Thursday, October 17, 2024

How are we? Oct. 17



Sometimes we don’t see things as they really are.

We see them as we are.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Emotional Pain Oct.16


Hurtful communication weakens us. It hurts like guilt or shame.

Thanks to God. . .forgiveness can redefine perception.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Where Do You Look? Oct.15

It appears the Psalmist still speaks to some. So much Christian depression may be the person is listening too much to the self-talk instead of talking the right things to the self. [Ps. 42:11]

Rather, we should say, “I look up to the sky and what do I see: The Creator looking back at me.” [Ps.121: 1-3; Ps. 119: 105]


Monday, October 14, 2024

Why Christian? Oct.14


One significant strength in the Christian way. . . we can really depend on the grace given by the heavenly Father through Christ. Grace covers ALL the ungracious thoughts and actions.

Maybe a great tragedy in life is NOT what appears unanswered prayer, but prayer never prayed.

Lord, I trust in your Grace when my gut response is ungracious thought or action.”

Friday, October 11, 2024

Language Use Oct.11


It appears today that the way we talk to each other can be defined by three ideas.

1)   We get communication through information.

2)   We get language thrown at us for motivation.

3)   We maintain personal and more intimate talk to each other.

Of course, these get combined but if in a relationship, the first two only happen, you have people trying to change each other. More heart sharing needs to happen, more intimate and trusting language is needed for better relations.

Most children still have the third emphasis. They speak only personal, trusting, accepting language.

Maybe that’s why scripture says we should become more like little children sometimes in dealing with each other and God.

Monday, October 7, 2024

What means Blessed? Oct.7



The hope of being blessed [like in Mt. 5:3-10] can work a change in us that actually enables our capacity to be blessed.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Fixed Religion Oct. 3

A religion that is tempting thrives on a contract principle, a quid-pro-quo, “ God if you will do X, I will do Y”. Sometimes it is subtle as we think scripture tells one thing and we think another.

For instance, we tend to interpret that God will heal everyone or that He will stop all wars. Our experience shows otherwise. We need to believe that God actually does do what’s best for the whole world, even when we do not understand.

We need to follow His Covenant. True Christian commitment follows God’s Grace agreement not a contract that can be broken.