Friday, June 21, 2024

WORDS June 21


We all know words are important. And how words are used becomes extremely significant. For instance, in John 15:12 when Jesus said, “Love each other as I have loved you…”, he states an imperative.

Imperative/action words call for a response in behavior, not just promoting an idea. Those words are more like a demand. . .like, if you do not want to get bitten, don’t stick your hand in a snake hole. Don’t walk against a red light.

Do eat the right food. Do learn love rather than hate.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Forever IS a long time June 20



Jesus said, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter to be with you forever. “   [John 14:16]

Not just a week, a month, a year but FOREVER! Think of all the connections he will make.

His Grace, indeed, is without limit.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Eternal Yes June 19


The scripture indicates that with Jesus there is always the NOW, the MORE, the YES. The Holy Spirit is revelation/presence at any given moment.

Rev.1:10, “… in the Spirit …”

Sneaky ambition and pride tend to ignore true holiness.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Disturbing Question June 13


If God had to rearrange the universe to answer your one prayer, would He do it??

Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Dead Raising June 8


Before the Resurrection, there was a dead raising. The little girl, about 12 years old, daughter of one of the rulers of the synagogue had died. Everyone thought she was dead, but Jesus said she was just sleeping. Did he not know she was dead? Of course, he knew and shows us a comforting picture. [Mark 5:41-42.]

Jesus takes her hand and tells her to wake up sweetheart! We need to always look for the truth within the Jesus stories.

What is this one? 

If Jesus holds our hand, death is no more than a sleep.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Stuck? June 7


Some people spend life like spinning wheels in a mud hole, letting circumstance [the mud] keep them from going anywhere. They are moving but not progressing forward. They slip back and spin again but don’t get out of the hole.

The true believer can actually spin out of the holes. Hebrews 13:8 tells us, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things…”

The promise holds now. We have a help to go beyond tragedy, cultural unrest, political confusion, and everyday challenges.

We just have to PAY ATTENTION to the right director.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


What Are Christians Supposed to Do?                June 4

So, what are Christians supposed to be and do? What are we called for? What is the result?

If we are called only to get to a heaven, then this creates a reward motivation, so in a sense, God has tempted us to do good.

If we are called to be religious, then self-conscious straining creates an end. We only live by what we do or don’t do.

If we are called to be happy, then all life challenges get centered on Self recovery and preservation.

If we are called to just be slave-like servants and be useful, then the Self is still at the center to find easier ways to live in confinement.

If we are called only to serve some new goodness, then we still end up at the center by trying forced, self-sacrificing methods of living.

Some of all the above may happen but what are we actually called for? The scripture [Romans 1:6] gives the hint. We are called to BELONG, not just to be or do. When Jesus said to “follow me”, he meant to literally give the self away every day, every minute, every second, every existence.

Self has to go. Easiness is not the goal.

Monday, June 3, 2024

What is closure? June 3


As we get older, we struggle with new challenges of the day. There are many, but one in particular.

How do you deal with closure?

When we start a project, a repair, an improvement of any kind, we want to get the job done NOW. But what if some interruption happens, like we can’t find a part, the store didn’t have what we needed, some unexpected visitor, the rain interfered. We get frustrated, maybe even angry of a sort. That is because we want it NOW.

When we can apply Philippians 4:13, “I am able ( I can) do all things through Christ who strengthens me”- - -then we can take a small breath and finish a project in God’s time.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Ever Feel Deserted? Jun 1


There are times when life seems to be crashing in and we feel somewhat abandoned. We think no one understands. No one sees us. No one knows us and accepts us as we are.

Are we just “feeling sorry” for ourselves? Things are not working out as we thought. Life just gets too hard.

Is this just a feeling? Or is it a perspective? How we see things at the moment. We certainly have to increase our trust factor.

Thanks for Hebrews  13:5 which indicates God will never leave us, desert us, or forsake us.