Friday, December 22, 2017

Technology Dec.22

"He [God] will certainly lead us into all truth, but He will not lead us into arragance and confusion between technical advance and spiritual wisdom."

J.B. Phillips (Bible translator)

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Highest Value Dec.9

We develop all kinds of values . . . what we hold important enough to follow with behavior to express some belief.

There are those who feel "correctness of belief" to be the highest value.

1John 4:7 indicates that love comes from God, no matter what one may think about it.

Monday, December 4, 2017

True Change Dec.4

      According to Gen. 9:6 and other scripture, we are made in God's image. This fact implies we are to be re-created in Christ since Christ is the original creator with the Father. This process implies we will need a condition [like heaven] to always grow towards something new throughout eternal existance. Every moment [ however time is measured] will be like a pleasant surprise because we keep growing toward Christlikeness.   
1 Cor.2:9

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Christian Listening Nov.7

My view:

In Christ, we do not possess a spiritual neutrality, but we must practice listening to an inaccurate perspective. By listening, I do not have to accept an incorrect, anti-biblical view of life. I give a courtesy to listen and I expect a courtesy back for my Christian view. Does this always work? No.

But, every person has a right to speak but no person has the right to strangle our democracy with selfish hands. We need to learn how to listen and sometimes, listen with silence.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Never Underestimate Any Gender Nov.1

In Acts 21:8-9,

The one of seven laymen chosen to serve [Phillip] had unmarried daughters who spoke what God had revealed. They had the ability to SPEAK TRUTH.

This Phillip was probably known as the evangelist.

I say: Superb!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Self Struggle Sept.18

"Within my earthly temple, there's a crowd.
There's one of us that's humble, one is proud.
There's one that's broken-hearted for his sins.
And one who unrepentant, sins and grins.

There's one who loves his neighbor as himself.
And one who cares not but fame and self.
From much corroding care would I be free,
If once I could determine which is me."
----------- Edward Sanford Martin--------

The war between the true self and the false continues.  Romans 7:21-23.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Past Thinking July12

Sometimes I fail to operate on my good impulse and it grows stale.
And yet, the Lord saves those crushed in spirit. [Ps.34:18]

If you must think on the past-----one good exercise:
Think back at the ages and circumstances when you realized Jesus was your friend in the situation.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Struggle of Wills June 9

". . . whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and the mind . . ."  [ Eph. 2:3, NKJV]

What is the difference between self-talk, which may be thoughts of the unconscious coming to surface in the aware level and when God speaks to the mind?

Subconscious thoughts often try to establish the priority of the Self---persuading, arguing some issue to make the Self more comfortable.

The Holy Spirit speaks final truths, says perminent reality, no argumenting facts. He points to Jesus as the Son of God who is consistantly Othercentered. He never goes against scripture and His revelations.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

New Segment May 13

Go to link for next segment on 10 Secrets of Christian Marriage.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

NEW FREE Read for May, June, July

Enter: on your search.

It will take you to my web page of Other Works.

You can read 10 Secrets for a Successful Christian Marriage for free.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

10 Secrets for a Successful Christian Marriage May June July

Read Free: My new work.....10 Secrets for a Successful Christian Marriage at It should take you to my Other Works on my web page.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Importance of Perspective May 1

Importance of Perspective

Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is ---his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  [ NIV, 2011]

>Allow the Holy Spirit to change your perspective.
>Change the way you think.
>God’s forgiveness changes perspective.
>Change of perspective changes values.
>Improved values (what is truly important) changes behavior.

Monday, April 24, 2017

What is Death? Apr.24

For the non-believer, death is some conclusion that life just ends.

For the believer in Christ, death is a numbing condition to allow a time to change bodies.

1 Cor.15:54-55.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Healing Apr.19

Mark 1:41
When Jesus cared, touched and spoke, the leper was healed.

Is complete healing available to us today?

Yes..., we must remove any pretense and say, "I really want to be healed." We must ask for relief in a confidence of Christ's power, whether the issue is physical or spiritual.

Without doubt, decide the compassion, God's word, and the touch of Jesus still prevails.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Is Jesus Willing? Apr.10

Is Jesus Willing?

“And Jesus, moved with compassion, put out His hand and touched him, and said to him, I am willing; be cleansed” [Mark 1:41, NKJV]

In the scripture verse 40, the leper doubts the willingness of Jesus to heal.
Was Jesus too busy?
Was He without interest?
Was the leper too unworthy?
Many today cry out for someone to care.
Jesus maintains caring. He does not have to be begged or manipulated into compassion. Jesus knows your heartache. Trust Him to care.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Lord, Take My Hand Mar.30

Lord, Take My Hand

Mark 8:23: “So He (Jesus) took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town . . . “
Why didn’t Jesus heal the man immediately?

Perhaps the blind man needed an opportunity for his faith to be jogged and he needed the privacy of a personal time with Jesus.
Often, we are spiritually blind when we are in our comfortable circumstances. Jesus may need to take us by the hand and lead us to a place of healing.

Anything that untangles us from the world, a crisis, a loss, a change may become a Godly act of mercy.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Duplicity of Dishonesty Mar.23

Duplicity of Dishonesty

         Every day, we are pressed on the path of recalculation and renegotiation. Who do we trust? Everything and everyone become suspect. We feel the need to answer every question. No longer can we be free in spontaneous response because it may be viewed as wrong and disagree with the crowd. We have become trapped in our own misdirected intentions.

We must find James 1:5, “If any of you needs wisdom to know what you should do, you should ask God, and he will give it to you . . .” [GWT].

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Out of God's Will Mar.9

Out of God’s Will
A person outside of God’s will makes only one of three choices:
1)  Become a victim or turn into an aggressor.
2)  Live in fear or grow indifference and aloofness.
3)  Enter a weak submission of values or force control on others.

None of these operate on forgiveness.  [Col.3:13]

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Return Home Mar. 2

Return Home
When the first Adam sinned, God confronts him and asks for an explanation. [Gen.3:8-11]. Then, in a sense, humanity must leave their true home.
When the second Adam [Jesus] is asked by Pilate was he King of the Jews? [Lk.23:3], Jesus says, it is as you say. Then, Herod questions Jesus with many questions [Lk.23:9] and Jesus answers in silence. The silence response implies Jesus is saying “You guys are blinded. I am what I am.”

From these examples, it appears God changed His information strategy. Once in Old Testament, He wanted and demanded answers why people did what they did. In the New Testament, He doesn’t demand but beckons, sometime in silence, allowing free will, to see Jesus as He is and come home.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Hard heart Feb.23

A Hard Heart
I know they are implanting hearts today, but I’m not talking about the physical. I’m referring to the spiritual attitude.
“Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion. . .” [Psalm 95:8]
A hard heart is one that:
Turns Undue sadness to gloomy self-examination;
Turns shame into low self-image;
Uses guilt to form false defenses.

Trust the Lord to keep the heart mellow.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Christian's Gain Feb.15

A Christian’s Gain

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” [Phil.2:5]
Having the mind of Christ means at least 3 things:
1)  You have a permanent definition of reality. [Jesus]
2)  You have access to clear, personal insight. [Holy Spirit]
3)  You receive specific value enrichment. [Ethical action]

Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Personal Prayer Feb.9

A Personal Prayer

         Dear Lord,
Take my memories, affections and intelligence and move them on the road to your glory.
Gently change my fearful willingness to give you fully my will.
Guide my want tos toward your ought tos in action.
Instruct me daily to discover your Kingdom path.

[Psalm 119:125]

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Reading Scripture Feb.2

Reading Scripture

         We tend to read scripture too quickly. We should read and study the Bible in a slow, quiet contemplation until the Holy Spirit starts to read us. We do not need to read just for knowledge and understanding but in a manner to give the holy Spirit time to inject us with the right language that defines who we really are. The Holy Spirit needs to read us so we can let go of self-concerns and be mastered by God’s word.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” [2Ti.2:15, NIV].

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Struggle of the Will Jan.24

The Struggle of the Will

Although Christian conversion is the birth of an entirely new love emotion, our will is still couched in the physical realm of decision-making. While we give our will to the Holy Spirit, He does not immediately take it over completely. He moves with us through a struggling growth to the very end.

This is the reason we still struggle with the “ought tos” in life. See Romans 7:14-16 in scripture.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Christian Confidence Jan.16

Christian Confidence

We know that suffering creates endurance, endurance creates character, and character creates confidence.” [Ro.5:4. GWT]

Christian confidence can come from the right focus of God’s love, then the right use of personal will turned over to Him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Christian Conversion Jan.11

Christian Conversion

Christian conversion is the birth of an entirely new love emotion.
God becomes real, becomes the main focus of decisions about life, and promotes new ways of action for more helpful living.

See: Romans 5:1-11 in scripture.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Years Changes 2017

New Changes in 2017

I have committed to finish two new books this year so I have to reduce my blogging to one a week if others are still interested. I may also send those tweets I call "Proverbs to Myself."

Thanks to many of you who have been faithful for the follow and encouraging words.

Tweet: What you love, the imagination follows.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Gaining From Others Jan.1

Gaining from Others

God wanted his people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery---which is Christ living in you, giving you the hope of glory.” [Col.1:27, God’s Word Translation, GWT].

We are like links in a chain because the inspired lives of Christians before us have welded that chain throughout history. We do not operate on the past heritage alone, but we are molded by the inspiration of those who have lived before.

So part of our lasting hope resides in us because of the Holy Spirit’s presence in others and now in us.