Friday, August 31, 2018

The Unexpected Aug.29

And the Lord said:
I am often NOT where you think I am. I am often in the unexpected. There ARE many things you can trust to be as you think, but I am also a surprise. All around you the resurrection principle stays active. Something dies, and something lives. This explains why I may astonish you as I did the disciples after I returned from the dead. The unexpected happens because the kingdom principles are not the same as those of this world. This is part of the reason you are to exercise your faith every chance you get. You live in the kingdom of service and surprise.
Prayer: Thank you Lord; I am grateful for your generous surprises and opportunities to serve.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Technology Aug.6, 2018

And the Lord said:

            One big purpose of technology, whether cell phones, computers, drones, medicine, cloning, electronic gadgets that claim to define life, is to imply you can make life predictable and therefore feel comfortable. Some benefit comes from that. However, the life I give always has the mystery of faith. When you label some instrument like a computer and expect it to solve all problems, you water down faith quality. You approach the temptation to take the mystery out of your faith when relying on a label to be an only solution, and yet, mystery creates an energy that keeps you searching, learning, and pursuing personal growth. Allow mystery----the I don’t know of life. You will never know enough about any one thing until you reach heaven’s gate.

Prayer: Lord help me keep the mystery of your creation along with any specific knowledge gained for your kingdom.