Friday, April 20, 2018

Are You There? Apr.20

My prayer today:
Lord, when I rake these leaves, help me talk to you.
When I visit the store, let me take you with me.
When I see a new child, let me talk to you.
When I eat my food, be there with me for conversation.
When I do my work, walk with me through the challenges.
When I have pain, remind me of your joy.
Lord, help me practice your presence in all things.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Gain April 13

And the Lord said to me:

       "You are always trying to get ahead. Instead, get- a- heart, that which you have given Me, the Christ. Any gift to Me, whether large or minor enhances the kingdom. Even tiny gift upon tiny gift upon tiny gift, given in true Love, will support the foundation of what I began from the beginning. Count the gains of this world as loss by giving them away to the Father’s glory."

My Prayer: Lord, help our ambition stay directed toward your light and your love.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Meditation April 2, 2018

And Jesus said to me:

        "On many occasion I told you that if you were thirsty to come to Me and drink. When the body craves water, it yearns for something it cannot do without. When your spirit dries out in drought, it too craves moisture.  When you drink the Holy Spirit, He will indeed cause the living waters to flow from you. Out of your reason and emotions will rush the correct ways of the kingdom. Accurate meditation absorbs your spiritual drink and food."

Prayer: Lord, today, take me to that place flowing with living waters.