Sunday, August 30, 2020

Aug. What character?


If we say, “I love to go to church” we have to be careful because we may experience Eros love that expects some kind of return. If we can say “I love to be the church while I’m at church.” We may experience Agape love that is God’s love with no conditions. The quality of love is in the other centered character building.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Psychiatrist said

 A psychiatrist friend said, "every cell of our bodies has a connection to some emotion." I have discovered an extension of that. Every cell in our bodies can be connected to the irreplaceable Jesus and the absolute kingdom of Jehovah.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Aug. 18 What are values?


Values are things we hold most important. The love Jesus gives uproots our value system and moves us to experience love value without expecting any return.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Aug. 17 God’s Genuine Mystery


When we were being loved by Jehovah God and we did not know we were, He did not expect anything in return. It is called unconditional love-grace, Agape. When we love someone like a child, we expect something in return, loyalty, Eros love. When we give Christ our willingness, that connection establishes the higher love agape and our expectations change. We, too, can experience unconditional love action.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Aug. 16 Strategy Change


It appears God changed His information strategy. Once in the Old Testament, He wanted to hear, demanded to hear answers from people. In the New Testament, He doesn’t demand but invites [ often in silence, allowing free will] to see Jesus as He is and come home.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Aug. 15 Fox-hole religion


We used fox hole religion to refer to asking God to spare our lives during war engagements. “If you will save my life, I will serve you the rest of my life.” Now we call it quid pro quo. “If you will grant me health, I will serve you better.” We do not need to bargain with God to get to the best steps on a staircase. God already met us on the bottom step with his Son Jesus, coming down to meet us. We only need to do ONE thing, accept His willingness to join our lives.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Aug. 14 Innocence or Guilt?


As an innocent child takes his first step, by himself, God sends his innocent son to step for us, His innocence covers our personal guilt. But we have to accept the Son’s walk.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Aug. 6 True Love

In ancient Greek literature, the word for love was a verb, agapen. Early Christians had to invent a word for God’s unconditional love in Christ. They developed a noun, agape.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Aug.5 Potential

When we look upon children, we see potential. I know they are innocent, and adults are not. But, every day, we should look upon people as to what and how they can become better instead of always correcting their faults. Christ showed us this love. Love first. Legislate second.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Aug. 4 Final Truth

To realize God’s ultimate truth through the person Jesus does not damage life but helps us rise to that very truth as new persons. The decision we need to give up is the self-will. When we do that, all other fake beliefs and actions can be modified.


Monday, August 3, 2020

Aug. 3 Beings from other planets?

A search for other beings is a search for ultimate, complete science and truth. Science seeks to discover the underlying laws of Nature and the universe. Any weakness in science cannot be explained with philosophy. Science weakness can only be explained by the spirit of life. Ultimate reality is not found in outer space but inner space. When Jehovah God placed himself into His own creation flesh as his son Jesus, He created ultimate reality and completeness of all things.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

August 1 What kind of Christian?

Perhaps a Christ follower should be like the cedar tree when you strike it with an ax, it bleeds its fragrance onto the very blade that strikes it.