Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trust as Adventure

Trust as Adventure Mar.31

What if a friend said he wanted to take you on an exciting adventure, but did not tell you all the detail. As you traveled you became anxious and afraid your resources would run out. He kept saying the expense was his. All will be all right. All was planned, just enjoy the trip. Could you let go of control?
I, your, Lord Savior am your friend. Learn to wait and trust for today. Let us proceed on the adventure together.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Death Mar.30

Death is an intruder. It can strike like lightning or be as slow as running oil. The direction remains unpredictable. It is a painful reminder of your mortality. I, Jesus, know the pain with you. We are strugglers together in the time of uprooting surprise. But after the crushing darkness, a healing light will break through. This will be a reminder that I have overcome the Intruder. The Father stays merciful, for that you can depend.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Learning Mar.29

Pay attention to all those around you. Prov.27:17. You will learn from others, just like iron sharpens iron. Even pay attention to your interruptions. They may come from the Spirit. Awareness without understanding produces fear and distrust.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Next?

What next? Mar.28

Look at Micah 6:8. I, the Lord, have told you what I require of you: to do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with the Father. His justice is His mercy and His mercy is His Justice. There exists no contradiction. His love sees to that. Fellowshipping completes the link. As you speak to Me, take time to listen back.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Keep Mystery

Mystery of Disease Mar.27
The Father is willing that none should perish, but there exists disease. And yet, the Father heals all disease. You see, there are unique disease qualities. One is attitudinal and functions more from the mind. Perception and conditioning create illness from environment and circumstance. These are event illnesses, functional in nature.
Other diseases of the body, like cancer, attack the very body structure. These are at least treated ,if not cured, by medicines, surgeries, or technology.
Then, combinations exist of illness which attack mind, body and spirit. These are so complex that often one area gets treated only to have another area destroy.
You may see a miracle or not. But, remember, when a cure does not happen as you thought, the Father has provided a final cure in your resurrection.
At times I ask you to live in the holy tension and let mystery stay a mystery. The Father’s ways are not always your ways.


Faith Mar. 26
The future may stay hidden from you because Faith remains too precious a commodity to trade in for acquired knowledge.
When you seek revelation, let it be for more faith kind of knowledge in Me, your Lord. Faith remains sometimes living with non-answers

Friday, March 25, 2011


Messiah Mar. 25

Do I, the Messiah, have need? I need holy Solitude.
You need solitude.
I need Love. You need love.
I need the Father’s Affirmation. You need affirmation.
We remain companions in the kingdom on earth. Walk and talk with Me.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Courage Mar.24
There exists a connectedness to all things. I know them all. Many are praying for you that you know not of. Trust in Me. Treasures of the kingdom will come to you: Hope, Assurance, Joy, Security, and Rest. Your courage reminds My heart to give. I, your Lord, have planned your journey

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

All forgiven

All forgiven Mar.23
I, the Lord Holy Spirit, flow through you, washing away the negative past, like fresh rain cleansing a brook. Let the flow happen. Build not dams of past regret, remorse, or guilt. All remains forgiven since you asked.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Random Prayer

Random Prayer Mar. 22
As you go about your daily routine, raise your hand to others and silently say: “In Jesus name. . . Love, Joy, and Peace.” Blanket prayers enrich you and the Kingdom.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Trust Mar.21
Trust Me for everything . . . not just some of the religious things.
Does not a good parent pave the way for a child? Does not a concerned parent provide food, clothing, and shelter, any reasonable and possible desire?
The Father had a Son Jesus. I am a partner with you.
I provide all for you.
The Father will even supply your finances, especially if you direct all your resources into understanding His gift economy. He gives not to receive, but to spread enrichment. Work to arrange your finances so you can give unreservedly.


Rest Mar.20
Rest in My words . . . for they have the power to put into action what they actually say. And lo, I am with you always.
Your task requires you make Me real. I will carry out the work in you. How do you make me real? Practice My presence daily. Talk to Me daily in your self-talk. Discuss with Me every little detail, no matter how ordinary it may seem. The Holy Spirit remains your constant friend, always with you.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Beauty Mar.19
I, Jesus, will carry any load for you. Do not be like the person who struggles and becomes weary carrying a heavy load along the road, when all the while being robbed of good humor and the beauty all around because of being tired and burdened.
When trying to bear your own burdens alone . . . a tree, a flower, a bird . . . all become obstacles in your path.
When you turn to Me to help bear your burdens: a tree displays life of resurrection, a flower becomes the beauty of divine creative goodness, a bird produces the music of God’s creation.
Ask for Me to walk alongside you and all of life comes generously alive

Friday, March 18, 2011


Remember Mar.18
No other religion or celebration can claim the unlimited Grace the Father gives to any who would receive. Whenever you start to feel Grace draining away from you, pride sneaks in to take its place. Accept His word that Grace is always available, but you must trust.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Parable

A Parable Mar.17
Remember the parable of the Sower in Mt. 13. Most emphasize the Sower and the seed. But think about the ground. There was the shallow path; the birds ate the seed. There was the rocky places; not much soil. Some seed fell among ground with thorns, which choked the good plants, but then some fell among good soil where good crops produced. You need to ask: What makes the difference in the soil?
The Holy Spirit gives Love (faith), Joy (laughter), and Peace (openness) to plough and cultivate the soil. Cultivate the way you live your life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Heavenly Stories

Heavenly Stories Mar.16
If while you were in heaven, you had the chance to tell each angel a story of your experiences and each would hear it as new and each angel could feel the experience, would you have your best potential experiences to tell, experiences worth eternity?
The ideal develops when you see what you are potentially, then, this begins to determine what you can become in actuality.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What is Right?

What is Right? Mar.15

The end and object of any work to which the Father can commit Himself must end in His glory. Any work needs to answer the question: Does the work bring glory to the Father or to individuals only? There exists a divine principle: The greater a work’s true value to the Father, the less human gratification. [Eph.1: 6; 12; 14.] Any work becoming effective in the divine purpose must be conceived by the Father.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Unimpaired Contentment

Unimpaired Contentment Mar.14
James 1:4 shows astonishing insight. If you can feel content in your will for all that the Father does, then that peculiar ease becomes the substance of all your perfection. You may then vibrate in faith, grace and endurance.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

An Error in Love

An Error in Love Mar.13
While venturing in this earthly dimension, you may reach the Heavenly Father with love, but you will never reach Him with knowledge. If you must err and you will, try to err on the side of love. And yet real love is never crude or rude.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rare Patience

Rare Patience Mar.12
Because of your earthly, linear time that continues straight ahead, many holy desires actually grow by delays. If your desire seems diminished by delay and loses its momentum, it may not have been holy in the first place.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Soul Need

Soul Need Mar.11

Sometimes you hunger for solitude, a time to float, collect self or make quiet the internal noise of your everyday strivings. At the same time, you wish for like-minded souls to whom identity happens, the kind that creates feelings of community. When you have too much solitude, you cry out for community. When too much community exists, you thirst for solitude. For your soul’s sake, a deliberate balance can breed contentment. You choose the behavior

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do Angels Pray?

Do Angels pray? Mar.10
Some believe My angels have no need of praying. Let Me tell you,
they remain in a constant state of what you call meditation and attitude of prayer, for they will to serve Me. You should pray as you breathe. It’s done best when you set aside your personal will.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Listen with Spiritual Ears

Listen with Spiritual Ears Mar.9

Heaven stays filled with angels and saints with new songs. Stretch your spiritual ears to hear the harmony of the chorus. The music extends to your world in the spiritual realm. The Father wants you to hear their peace.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Forward Motion

Forward Motion Mar. 8

The Father, the great creator stays interested in forward movement. When spending life, you have three choices: backwards, status quo, forwards. You know the dangers of moving backwards when trying to do the will of God. Backwards means dwelling on past failures or accomplishments. To get hung in the status quo brings stagnation. Sometimes God will allow you certain sideways, lateral moves, but only so many. So when making decisions about your future, interpret solid Christian growth with forward movement, that is, a new adventure, your striving for a new potential, a specific goal to spiritual enrichment, anything to glorify God. The Holy Spirit wants to stretch your otherwise earthbound spirit. “Go . . . go . . . you into the entire world....”

Monday, March 7, 2011

Authentic Christ Behavior

Authentic Christ Behavior Mar.7
“Spiritually prosperous are they who.....” [Mt. 5] meet another’s need, spiritually or financially.
Compassion.....ride the flow of hurt with another.
Meek...........let someone else take the credit. a search for right doing.
Mercy..........act fair to another who isn’t fair. a pure thought with behavior. in Holy Spirit peace. absorb someone else’s anger.
Perseverance...not only endure pain, but rise above by using it.
Give something away every day, all in My name, and you will experience the kingdom of God.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Which Reality?

Which REALITY? Mar.6
With every spiritual principle, there exists a physical equivalent. Gen.1:1 and 2:1 promotes Creation came from nothing. Spiritual energy issues from the Father Himself and He was not created. Heb.11:3. Everything made has come from the invisible. What does this have to do with you? You live in a processed world, that is; everything gets evaluated, measured and processed for its worth. How you view truth becomes very important. Two basic aspects of truth exist. First, the physical reality occurs, for example, a chair. But behind the actual physical---the idea of sitting lurks which lasts forever. Millions of ideas and principles flood your world each day. You are to grab hold of these and find channels to translate them into your world. Your task includes making the intangible become tangible---the invisible to become visible. The Father’s creative genius is in you. His Word strengthens your life-map for your own creations to glorify Him.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Unusual Caretakers

Unusual Caretaker Mar.5
“. . . entrusted with the secret things of God” [1Cor.4:1]

What were the secret things good stewards like Apostle Paul kept?
Five questions everyone asks of which are Biblical answers:
[1] What lurks behind the universe? What’s it all about? I Am behind the cosmos. I Am a non-created Being who watches you (the created) with complete attention. I do not leave you in darkness but deliver light (insight) from the Father’s Word.
[2] What shows the purpose of life? You have been shown by example: the main stream of life-purpose continues as love and light. Even with all of life’s struggles and dilemmas, I display meaning to help you realize someone loves you unconditionally.
[3] Can your mistakes really be taken care of sufficiently? The scripture reveals the secret---forgiveness is the central core of love. Freedom follows closely. Any given day you can start over with fresh anticipation.
[4] How can you keep going sometimes when you’re so tired? You have the power of the plus-factor from the grace of God. His limitless grace gives you the faith you need to endure, get better, or reach some new potential for Him.
[5] What is the true purpose of your living in this world dimension? The world offers you adventure, some growth, some school. But the Kingdom of God among the hearts of people becomes your true schoolroom. Each day class begins. Each end of day brings rest, class can end. But the Holy Spirit does not rest as you do. He still teaches you in your sleep.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Practice My Presence

Practice My Presence Mar.4
“All things cohere in Him...” Col. 1:17
If you will believe that I, Jesus, can be the source and sum of all you do--then every practical behavior and action can be a praise to the Father‘s name. Your breathing, your eating, your essence actions---all are yours because of Him, thus, when you do these, they can serve as conscious acts of praise and honor to His name. Your recognition of this fact truly matters. Maintain conscious effort every day in remembering that I, the Christ, can be honored by the little things as well as the large. This makes all the difference in attitude and your ability to rest in the Father. Pay attention to His Presence in small issues and you will hear His Spirit more often.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Divine Secret Revealed

DIVINE Secret Revealed Mar.3
The secret of the Christian’s daily walk finds itself embedded in a magnificent quest. The quest becomes energized for spiritual revitalization. You are to re-evaluate, renegotiate, and daily review the strategy of what the Father continues to do in your universe, your town, your home. What is the secret of what God is doing? It is only a secret to confound the proud and haughty. For you who search, God’s strategy becomes abundantly clear: He birthed a world; He birthed a Son; He continues now birthing a new race of people. This new race of people has a special redemptive view of this planet, the universe with other galaxies and even the dimension called infinity. All things are to be made new. This new race are to be called Christian, Christ followers, and as a part of this fellowship of concern, you are to learn to out-think, out-love, out-suffer, out-perform, out-do those who do not know Me, the Christ. For you have the plus factor of the Holy Spirit to help you become a demonstration to a lost and hurting world. No other earthly challenge presents itself great enough to command all your potential. I alone can do that.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Genius Perception

Genius Perception Mar.2
Let this mind be in you...
How you see life molds your present and future. It is a universal law that you cannot see one thing and produce something entirely different. So as a person thinks in heart, so establishes beingness. Natural seeing stays different for everybody. One person may come to the well for water through desert mountains, seeing sand, rattle snakes, cactus and scrub trees. Another may approach the well from a different direction, seeing rolling hills, bunny rabbits, berry bushes and pine trees. They both get to the well with a different idea of what the world looks like. So, when I say, have eyes to see I’m talking about another kind of seeing, a view that has spiritual content, flavored with MY mind of Christ. What is that flavor? It has the main quality of Salt and Light, absorption and penetration. You must look beyond the obvious and see unlimited spirit at work. In this striving to see “more than”, you will get glimpses of the Father.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Look Beside You

Look Beside You Mar.1
“Lo, I am with you always”

Accountability is not a harsh word. To hold you answerable is much like a good parent holds a child, lovingly with only the best in mind. I AM not only with you in spirit, but standing beside you through all your experiences. I AM a very human Jesus who understands your weaknesses and who knows your difficulties and your need to overcome.
Do not forget the reasons I came: to be a champion for the weak, to feed the hungry, to heal the sick, to set the captives free. My followers are taught to do these all and not just to friends but to everyone.
When I gave my disciples the command to feed the multitudes, they were responsible and accountable to me and to the principle of Divine Involvement. To offer concern to the needy without an active remedy remains useless. Where the dynamic of your concern goes, you must go. Remember this when thinking of your own needs and the needs of others. The servant does not outrank the master.
So even in the midst of negative trials or outstanding joy, I your Savior, will supply all your need, not reluctantly but with all abundance.