Saturday, February 26, 2022

Your journey Feb. 26


And the Lord whispered:


       "Because I am jointly yours as you are completely Mine, when you practice My presence, I can go before you. I will prepare the way. Many obstacles may appear in your path. That does not mean I am absent. Disrupters of life appear but I guide you through the journey. I am present when you may not know it. You will get through as I have promised. Your final challenge is not each hurdle, but the patience and endurance of depending on My carving out the way. I prepare the seasons, the flavor, and the hearts to make your way for the right connections. All things do work for the good who remember Me."


Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving the true Way and help us recognize what we should learn.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Hope Feb. 24


The Spirit whispered:


       "When you need extra energy, look for a welling up inside. My Holy Spirit, as your plus dynamic, will remind you that hope gives you power to love in the most desperate circumstances. Remember also that hope stays vibrating through the kind of faith which goes beyond belief in that you act upon what you had faith in as if it were fact."


Prayer: Lord, thank you for the love you give us, so we can keep hope in any hour of need.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

The End of Life Feb. 20


For believers who think they may not get to finish life’s work. 

“I am convinced that God, who began his good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Jesus Christ.” [Phil. 1:6, God’s Word Translation]

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

All forgiven Feb. 15

 And the Lord said:

                   "I, the Lord Holy Spirit, flow through you, washing away the negative past, like fresh rain cleansing the surface of a road. Let the flow happen. Avoid soul blockage of past shame, regret, or guilt. All stays forgiven since you asked."


        Prayer: Lord, thank you for your forgiveness past and present.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Remember Feb.14


And the Holy Spirit said:

       "No other religion or celebration can claim the unlimited Grace the heavenly Father gives to any who would receive. Whenever you start to feel His grace draining away from you, pride sneaks in to take its place. Accept His word that His graciousness stays available. Let the enrichment of His grace warm you inside like sun on your face. You must trust."


Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for without your Grace we would be nothing.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Mistakes Feb.12


And the Spirit whispered:

       "Can all your mistakes really be covered sufficiently?"


"The scripture reveals the secret---forgiveness is the central core of love. Freedom follows closely. Any given day you can start over with fresh anticipation. I am with you."


Prayer: Lord, help me see beyond my errors just as you do.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Revealed Divine Secret Mar.1

And the Spirit proclaimed:

       "The secret of the Christian’s walk stays embedded in a magnificent quest.  The quest revitalizes spiritual energy. You are to re-evaluate, renegotiate, and daily review the strategy of the heavenly Father who continues to act in your universe, your town, your home. What is the secret of what God is doing?  It is only a secret to confound the proud and haughty.  For you who search, God’s strategy becomes abundantly clear:  He birthed a world; He birthed a physical Son; He continues now birthing a new group of people who accepts His Son.  This new line of persons has a special redemptive view of this planet, the universe, and infinity.  All things are to be made new. The new people are called Christian, Christ followers, and as a part of this fellowship of concern, you are to learn to out-think, out-love, out-suffer, out-perform, out-do those who do not know Me, the Christ.  But you do all through service. For you have the plus factor of the Holy Spirit to help you become a demonstration to a lost and hurting world. No other earthly challenge presents itself great enough to command all your potential. I alone can do that."


Prayer: Lord, thank you for letting me be a part of the new people

Friday, February 4, 2022

Active Faith Feb. 4


And the Lord said:

        "When talking to ME, what you call prayer, send like a package with faith, return address guaranteed. Send out your faith like you would a gift. I will take care of those who need to receive. Then, I will return to you another packaged quality that increases faith."

Prayer: Lord, thank you for reminding me of the action of prayer. Keep me connected.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Forward Thinking Feb. 3


And the Spirit said:

        "When you daydream with your mind’s eye, look forward not backward. See what can hold before you, not dwell on experiences already done. See what you need for the present and maybe the future, not what has passed. Envision yourself working through the details of what CAN happen next, but do not project further than your faith. You need not be anxious about this. If nothing comes to mind, then listen more closely with your spiritual ears. I and heavenly Father are One and speak to you constantly. Calm your body; shut down your self-talk and listen with clear focus upon MY words."


Prayer: Lord, help me keep the right faith today and listen what may be next.