Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 28 Idols


Idols are not just carved statues from stone or wood. Anything (or anyone) that edges God out to the margins of life can become an idol. 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Be alert March 27


And Jesus reminded me:

"In the beginning of your journey, your faith was often simple in that you leaned toward superstition. The Father still honors any childlike faith, but it may be based on the fear of the unknown, so you trust too much to something like magic. The problem with magic or sorcery is that at the core, it has a false idea of causation. It centers on the thrill and enchantment for salvation and results in misdirected thinking-attitude toward the Father. The time has come to move that part of your superstitious self to the full acceptance of pure Grace and Faith.  Miracles may happen or not but pay close attention to the small, unusual sights and sounds I send."


Prayer: Lord, I do not want to trust in magical thinking, so help me accept the abiding mysteries in any of your word.

Monday, March 22, 2021

March 22 Celebrate


You may glare at the Cross, but you should glow at the Resurrection.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Trade March 19


 The Lord reminded me:

        "You cannot use reason, alone, to get rid of some emotions. You must learn to trade the harmful emotion for a better one. For instance, perform conscious effort: Say several times a day: “I trade the negative emotion for love.” Then do something like trade your anger for love. Let the emotional and chemical quality of love help neutralize and renegotiate anger. I, the Lord, will help turn something like negative anger into the energy of redeeming love. Pray now and daily make the trade."



Prayer: Lord, help me to know your love in practical ways and to be willing to trade any negative feeling for your unselfish love.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Competence MARCH 17



      "If you appear competent to yourself and others based on some human excellence, then you have only the potential of all a human can do. The Holy Spirit writes upon the tablet of your human heart. If you draw your capability from Me and I have it from the Father, you may claim extraordinary proficiency. I have made you complete as a bearer of the New Covenant. I remain an assurance of the Spirit who gives life abundantly. You may go ahead with self-assurance. Others may call you vain or haughty but stay in the confidence of the Spirit."


Prayer: Heavenly Father, show me often that I am more than the sum of my parts.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Best Interest March 16


It is in your best interest to trust your designer. Brick by brick, experience by experience the Son is putting the building together for the Father's kingdom. Whatever is true, whatever shows loyalty, whatever promotes right doing, whatever encourages purity of heart, whatever shows beauty, whatever shows integrity, whatever presents itself as praiseworthy in Jesus' name: think always on these things.

Prayer: Lord help us pay attention today to your design.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Trust the Right Thing March 15


And Jesus whispered:


            "Try to refrain from trusting in your faith alone, but have faith in your trust of Me. Don’t just believe in the idea of Me; believe Me."


Prayer: Lord in a world that gives rational explanations to everything, it is hard to simply trust and surrender. Increase my trust in you.


Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Material world Mar.13


     And Jesus said:

                "In all reality, you cannot live beyond the material nor can you in good conscience just live for the material. You must learn to live through the material for something beyond, such as using material prosperity combined with My spiritual prosperity. Behind every material result vibrates a spiritual idea. A simple baking a cake and giving it to an unworthy neighbor can be the result of spiritual caring. Whatsoever is set up in heaven can be assured on earth. Think long upon this."


Prayer: Thank you Lord for reminding us that the spiritual life motivates our true direction.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Knowledge March 11

And then Jesus said,

"I have given you a glimpse of the Father by knowing Me. As followers of the Kingdom, bound together, you experience strength in Me. All the collective knowledge, wisdom, and understanding becomes your cooperative energy for the Kingdom. I am the Way."

 Prayer: Lord, I do not always understand the significant power of true believers who bond together. Help me in this endeavor.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 7 Hope


The world bombards you with the music of uncertainty. You need the sounds of hope and victory. ASK and My Grace will give you the right song.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Repeat This Prayer March 6


Ò Lord Master, capture me back into free choice.

Break up the darkness back into light.

Cut me up into wholeness.

Quiet me back into singing.

Empty me back into fullness.     


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Lifestyle March 2


 And the Lord said:

        "Each new day brings a spiritual awakening. Strive to turn around your strategy and adventure. Instead of getting up each day focusing on what will happen physically, think on the possibilities with your spiritual insight. Each principle of heaven undergirds earth. If you seek first the kingdom of heaven, each need will be added to you. I, your Lord, want you to enjoy the physical as you apply spiritual lessons of growth. Advancing your career, making money, any physical necessity can flourish within a gift economy of fun, peace, and delight for others as you cultivate My friendship. When life seems too hard, you have put too much value on the worldly side of interest. Think on Me first in all things."



Prayer: Lord, help us see that spiritual growth can be fun and bring joy.