Wednesday, May 31, 2023

What kind of wisdom? May 31


Defined Wisdom:

        1. Purer thinking.        

        2. Peace loving.          

        3. Considerate.          

        4. Submissive.

        5. Full mercy.

        6. Decent deeds.

        7. Impartial honesty.

ALL THESE COME FROM heavenly WISDOM.  [James 3:17]


Prayer: Lord, I know your wisdom differs from the world’s. Help me see your wisdom daily so I may act upon it to grow your Kingdom.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Divine Strategy May 30



        Heavenly Father’s strategy seems sometimes like a large checker game, but with pieces having minds of their own. When the pieces move and stay as directed, the game is easily understood. But misdirected movement changes the player’s board. Free will is a blessing but also a never-ending challenge of change. Pay attention to the Holy Spirit as to when, what, where and how to move your life.


Prayer: Lord, I see some of the pieces, show me more today.


Monday, May 29, 2023

Peace May 29



        Today . . . Live the seed of the Creator’s peace whatever you do and wherever you go and respond to the clear opportunities for a harvest of righteousness.


Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the power of peace you give freely.


Sunday, May 28, 2023

Gratefulness May 28



        Your response of gratitude for things already yours can open new doors of opportunity. To know and believe these prospects come from the heavenly Father enhances the Kingdom within. Look beyond and do not dwell on any negative, for God’s power embraces all your being. Experiencing Christ in every little thing guarantees the connection of the larger issues. Many things have already happened in the kingdom for you. The accumulative effect of Kingdom principles holds the structure of your foundational growth.


Prayer: Lord, help me recognize what you have already done.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

May 27 Say Slowly with fear and trembling:



Òh Lord Savior and Master, capture me back into free choice.

Break up the darkness back into light.

Divide me up into wholeness.

Quiet me back into singing.

Empty me back into fullness.     


Friday, May 26, 2023

May 26 An Amazing mystery


We are told in scripture that as Christians we are joint heirs of the kingdom, and we are more than conquers. But even more astounding, we are not only a part of the kingdom, but Jesus also said the heavenly Father would give it to us. [See Luke 12:32.]

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Decisions May 25

        One of the greatest things heavenly Father has created, besides the whole universe, displays the ability of choice in the human character. The ability to choose is an extension of the Father. You can change by choosing to become more than your givens. You may think you have no choice in certain things. However, look for the opportunities already in place, believing your decision to try to go beyond your circumstances. Holy Spirit offers signposts right in front of you. His power continually flows for you. You may choose.


Prayer: Oh Lord, I do choose your way this day and more

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

A Reminder May 24



        Integrity guides decent people, but hypocrisy leads treacherous people to ruin.” Proverbs 11:3.

 Heavenly Father wants you to stand by the kingdom values, no matter what. Even the small, mundane challenges need to be motivated by Biblical values. The Holy Spirit and the universe are with you.


Prayer: Lord, help me stay honest and live by your values daily.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Forward motion May 23


        In moving through life, steps can move up, down, front, back or sideways. The journey the Lord sends helps you to sometimes step sideways and up. Distorted travel, a life negative, causes you to step down. Sometimes you must go sideways and then up as a time of reflection. But God wants you always to go up and forward. The past stays in the past. You are more than conquerors. Your yesterday was one time a future. The present becomes a yesterday very quickly. Stay alert.


Prayer: Lord, help me forget the past negatives and move forward.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Best Prayer Effort May 22


        Your best prayers are those times during the day you consciously acknowledge Christ’s presence. Talk to Him more throughout your daily activities. Discuss things with him as with your best friend who truly listens without answering back. This makes walking in the Spirit practical.


Prayer: Lord, help me pray with every breath I take.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

May 21 A Scripture Truth



Every death to self can plant a seed for God.  [John 12:24-25]

Friday, May 19, 2023

Past Behavior May 19


        Let go of the past. God has forgiven, blotted out your past. All is healed. Why pick it up again?  When you travel on a journey, you do not go back to each place and dwell upon where each place took you to get to the next place. The present moves to the future so each day Christ helps you live anew. Whether triumph or failure, let the past go. Anticipate with faith the present. Dwell upon the prayer of the Now to move forward. Who will you meet today that needs help? What can you do today to honor Heavenly Father?


Prayer: Lord, help us find ways to live correctly in the now-future. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Grow the Kingdom May 17



        Inaction from sadness does not define God’s kind of Rest. Jehovah is no fraud. Relying on Jesus means you trust his action or inaction, his leading, his help, the secure knowledge that he goes before you preparing the way when you may not understand. The scriptures hint at how you recognize his specific guidance. To walk in the Spirit, you need to work in the Spirit. Rest in Spirit means to stop and say: Will what I’m about to do somehow help the kingdom today? Then if it does not, change plans.


Prayer: Lord, help all decisions today help enhance the Kingdom.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Anger May 16


        When you harbor anger, you cannot help but sin because your sense of justice becomes too human. The Lord does not anger like you. His mercy is His justice, and His justice is His mercy. He will never be mad at you in your human definition of anger, for He is linked with you in the bonds of eternal forgiveness. Nothing removes Him from His love for you.


Prayer: Lord, I know anger comes from hostile fear. Increase our love so we do not use negative fear as a motivator.


Monday, May 15, 2023

Burdens May 15


        When you feel God’s presence blocked, it is because you are trying to carry the full load of your burdens. When you try to solve all your own burdens, you cannot see God. Worry starts to take first place and makes you look through fuzzy glass.  Worry blocks pure Spirit because it tries to cancel faith. Bring your cares to heavenly Father and live a heart of trust, then leave those burdens with Christ. Leaving your concerns creates the moment you can once again feel a more holy presence.


Prayer: Lord, forgive us when earthly concerns blind us.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

May 14 An observation



Some troubled people always reach for crutches; thank the Lord, others hold out for wings.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

May 13 A Prayer



    Oh Lord, how can I express my fenced-up gratitude? I hold it in too much. Sometimes my heart bursts and I spread my thoughts all around to those closest and pray for those far away. Thank You. I know and trust YOU are the greatest changer for us.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Why pray? May 12



        Can you see why prayer pleases God? It is because He teaches us what to pray for; not some mode of praying but talking to Christ on a regular basis aligns your conscious concerns. You will discover praying for the things God is doing anyway. This harmonious connection pleases heavenly Father. Just as the Holy Spirit re-creates you, prayer helps to re-create divine consciousness.


Prayer: Lord, thank you gave us a direct connection to your Spirit.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Lifestyle May 11



        Each new day brings a spiritual awakening. Strive to turn around your strategy and adventure. Instead of getting up each day focusing on what will happen physically, think of the possibilities with your spiritual insight. Each principle of heaven undergirds earth. If you seek first the kingdom of heaven, each need will be added to you. The Lord wants you to enjoy the physical as you apply spiritual lessons of growth. Advancing your career, making money, any physical necessity can flourish within a gift economy of fun, peace, and delight for others as you cultivate divine friendship. When life seems too hard, you have put too much value on the worldly side of interest. First think of heavenly Father in all things.



Prayer: Lord, help us see that spiritual growth can be fun and bring joy.


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Need May 10


        God looks upon you with compassion. He sees your every need. If you seem to lack something, never falter; His love will respond to your need. Just as He fed the thousands long ago from a small amount of bread and fish, He will feed you literally and spiritually. The Creator’s nature yearns to respond. His love is not a reluctant love. Be patient and wait. He IS here.


Prayer: Lord, thank you for being available even when we forget.


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Which REALITY? May. 9



       With every physical outcome, there exists a spiritual backing behind it.   Gen.1:1 and 2:1 promote that Creation came from nothing. Spiritual energy issues from heavenly Father and He was not created. Heb.11:3. Everything made has come from the invisible. What does this have to do with you? We live in a processed world; that is, everything gets evaluated, measured, and processed for its worth. How you view truth becomes extremely important. Here are two basic aspects of truth:  First, the physical occurs, for example, a book.  Second, behind the actual physical, the idea of writing the book. Millions of ideas and principles flood your world each day.  You are to grab hold of these and find channels to translate them into your world.  Your task includes making the intangible become tangible---the invisible become visible. The Father’s creative genius is in you. His Word strengthens your life-map for your own creations to glorify Him.



My Prayer: Lord, help me today glorify your name with any ideas.

Monday, May 8, 2023

May 5 Extend Spiritual Life


    As Christians today, we need a time and place for retreat in order that we are released from the pressure of usual work. We need a situation, like a going aside from the grind of life in order to go more deeply into a Christian principle (koinonia) of life. Church preaching isn’t enough. Sunday School isn’t enough. We need a place and time to share burdens, bare one another’s pain and share all we can. Without this opportunity, we just go to a church service and then leave into our own individualism.

[ Acts 2: 44-47].

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Pace of Life May 7



        The world will hurry you to keep its pace. This is a mistake. Take time with Christ. He leads one step at a time. When you rest and contemplate in your soul, Holy Spirit can guide your thoughts and actions. Panic is the flesh and the world pressing in on you. When the world says “hurry,” instead you rest in God. He does not want you to stumble. You fall because you are not paying attention to what scripture teaches. Rest, pray, think with Christ as your friend. Talk to him. Then, listen with your spirit.



My Prayer: Lord, I am so grateful I can talk with you daily and I know you listen because you never get in a hurry.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Beauty Thrives May 5


        Holy Spirit moves from everlasting to everlasting. You may filter everything through the Spirit. With much ugliness in the world, beauty through the Spirit cancels some evil. When pleasing music floats through your being, the Holy Spirit is there. When the right art captures the eye, Spirit is there. When a bright moon or a comet touches the awe and wonder in you, the Spirit flows. Beauty takes a stand for purity of innocence found in God’s Son. Grasp it for your soul peace.


My Prayer: Lord, thank you for the beauty that reminds us of innocence, like that of a new-born flower or child.


Thursday, May 4, 2023

Kingdom Path May 4

Living guides Jesus spoke:

Poor in spirit—the kingdom of Need. . .connects with Jesus to fight lostness and loneliness.

Mourn—the kingdom of Sorrow. . . fights selfishness, feels another’s pain.

Meek—the kingdom of Yielding. . .overcomes stubborn pride and self-will.

Hunger and thirst—the kingdom of Appetite. . .defines right and wrong.

Mercy—the kingdom of Kindness. . . rids harshness and misplaced ambition.

Pure in heart—the kingdom of Cleanness. . .defeats excuses, any lying.

Peacemakers—the kingdom of Harmony. . .displaces anger and hate.

Persecuted—the kingdom of Loyalty. . .endures being betrayed.

Accused falsely—the kingdom of Perseverance, withstands being judged and misunderstood, strengthens character.

        You may not succeed in one kingdom until you have grown sufficiently through the kingdom that goes before. They are linked, but from time to time, you may move in and out of one or all of them, in order or sometimes out–of-order, all helps to learn love.


My Prayer: Lord, thank you for the blueprint of your greater kingdom through the smaller kingdoms. Help us follow each day.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May 3 Normal Pain

True Christians bear the burdens of the absurd. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Struggles May 1


        When you enter the path of joy or pain, comfort or discomfort, knowledge or questions, the journey may not always be for your direct edification. The Lord seeks continually those who need salvation. You may enter a struggle with Him for the sake of someone else. His compassion leads to your passion. Even if you are tempted to question or fear . . . remember, Christ looks to save throughout the universe, and you may be traveling with him. He will lead. You are to pay attention and follow.



My Prayer: Lord, help me remember the Holy Spirit works always.