Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Holy Spirit Guidance

Holy Spirit Guidance Jun.15

Remember I told you that lost people are blinded. The evil one of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving. What does that mean? It means that the circumstances of life do not form the individual but how that person views those circumstances. Blinded individuals actually believe they are right because they hold the perspective of thinking they are right. Since they believe they are right, they feel no need to listen to a different perspective. You cannot persuade them with your pure reason. Evil is intelligent and that intelligence is part of the perception that thinks it’s right. This explains why you need the power of the Holy Spirit to help break through the faulty thinking. The Holy Spirit can combine the right amount of reason and emotion to get the blinded person’s attention. Then, I break through with the True Word. I am the Word.

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