Sunday, March 3, 2013

Revealed Divine Secret Mar.3

Revealed DIVINE Secret              Mar.3

        The secret of the Christian’s daily walk finds itself embedded in a magnificent quest.  The quest becomes energized for spiritual revitalization. You are to re-evaluate, renegotiate, and daily review the strategy of what the Father continues to do in your universe, your town, your home. What is the secret of what God is doing?  It is only a secret to confound the proud and haughty.  For you who search, God’s strategy becomes abundantly clear:  He birthed a world; He birthed a Son; He continues now birthing a new group of people.  This new line of people has a special redemptive view of this planet, the universe with other galaxies and even the dimension called infinity.  All things are to be made new. The new people are to be called Christian, Christ followers, and as a part of this fellowship of concern, you are to learn to out-think, out-love, out-suffer, out-perform, out-do those who do not know Me, the Christ.  For you have the plus factor of the Holy Spirit to help you become a demonstration to a lost and hurting world. No other earthly challenge presents itself great enough to command all your potential. I alone can do that.



Prayer: Lord, thank you for letting me be a part of the new people.


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