Monday, May 13, 2024

Scripture Symbolism May 13

At times the Bible gives examples that are not only historically literal in meaning, but they have symbolic or metaphoric [spiritual] meanings. For example, scriptures like “give us this day our daily bread” or “the bread of life” statements that actually give more meaning to the word “bread.  Bread can stand for all the things needed in this life, like money, health, education, family, almost anything needed.

So, in some sense, scripture does not nail down the “How tos” beyond showing the God/principles we are to discover and learn in order to get to know who God is and make our own applications.

Sometimes, the Apostle Paul, may give a specific set of instructions, like he does in Eph. 6:10-19 on how to combat temptation, yet it still has much symbolic meaning.

More of this to come next.

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