Friday, March 27, 2015

Mystery of Disease Mar.27

Mystery of Disease                Mar.27
       The Father is willing that none should perish, but there exists disease. And yet, the Father heals all disease.
       You see, there are unique disease qualities. One is attitudinal and functions more from the mind. Perception and conditioning create illness from environment and circumstance. These are event illnesses, functional in nature.
                  Other diseases of the body, like cancer, attack the very body structure. These are at least treated, if not cured, by medicines, surgeries, or technology.
                  Then, combinations exist of illness which attack mind, body and spirit. These are so complex that often one area gets treated only to have another area destroy.
                  You may see a miracle or not. But, remember, when a cure does not happen as you thought, the Father has provided a final cure in your resurrection.
                  At times I ask you to live in the holy tension and let mystery stay a mystery. The Father’s ways are not always your ways.

Prayer: Lord, I accept your way of healings in whatever form they take. 

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