Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Most Important Oct.7

Most Important                              Oct.7

As you live in this world, what becomes the most important result of knowing Me, the Savior? Is it heaven? Is it peace? Is it abundance? Is it virtue? Is it hope? Is it you will have your own kingdom? All are true and resting on one thing becomes difficult, but if you follow Proverbs 2 and gain its treasure, I will bestow a guide most precious: wisdom. Clearly there are two kinds of wisdom. One leads to selfish ambition and stays earth bound, not of the Father. The other comes from heaven and upholds Me, while it nurtures by the fruit of the Spirit. How is the correct wisdom attained? Proverbs tells you to start by accepting the entire word of the Father. In that acceptance comes good sense and better insight into life, relationships, and humanity.

Prayer: Lord, grant me the wisdom to choose the right wisdom for you.

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