Monday, July 29, 2024

Words July 29


Sure. . .words are important. But what about God’s words? The amazing point of scripture is that many, maybe even all, of God’s written verbs are written mostly in what is called the imperative tense.

God is not just giving information, explanation, or something to gossip about, He speaks action—“Let there be light, be still, get up and go,--words given to create the kind of behavior that joins His plan and glorious Will that directs humanity toward a better life.

In the beginning God created…” We need to LISTEN MORE.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Freedom to Say No July 26


Up until Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, they lived only by a YES motivation. When they sinned, NO came into being. God allowed this to happen so that humanity has a choice. God allowed the NO so we could say a Yes to Him based on choice and not some bullying force.

This is part of the reasoning of Mark 8:34, “…If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Jesus gave us the occasion to say NO, so we can learn and choose to say NO to our Self rule and to willingly say YES to him.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Object Recognition July 23


Two- to three-year-old children have to learn the difference when they see an item, then when they don’t, does it exist?

Christians enter the same position with faith and most faith comes by words.

Even with all the modern visual opportunities, words are still the MAJOR tools for living.

The Holy Spirit inspired scripture words. 2 Tim. 3:16.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

What does true love do? July 14


True love experiences and absorbs an alternative replacement for pain and pleasure. Jesus on the Cross is a prime example. We have to learn to love enough.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Changing History July 11


Since Jesus implanted himself in human history with a resurrection principle, physical time changed. The change reverses the life and death principles. Death used to be in charge, now life rules. Satan used to be in charge, now Jesus is.

The change pivots on the idea of who is now in charge of this world. Death and bad things still happen in this time frame, but they are NOT the king anymore. Jesus is. While we still do not understand it all, we do have to increase the faith God gives us [ with Holy Spirit guide] to go beyond present, negative circumstances.

Still, we know death is not the end.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Who was Jesus really? July 10


Well yes, he is the son of God, part of the Trinity, Creator, Savior, but is he more? You think: “Well, Isn’t that enough?”  Maybe.

But what about the actual, physical, historical Jesus. Some just leave him as part history, a Civil War leader, like Robert E. Lee. And he was and is remembered like that but there is more.

Jehovah God, becoming man Jesus, placed physically on the earth he created, started a new way of thinking, indeed, a new transformation of linear time, of history itself.

All people, events, stories, things physical live awhile then die.

Jesus came to show who is really in charge. He was born, lived, dies, but rose from death to transform living history.

What does this mean for us?

[more next]

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Things to Remember July 9



Jehovah’s graciousness has given us divine power [2Peter 1:3].

Under Christ, all Christians can remove hostility [Ephesians 1:14].

Right where we live, we can make this world a better place.[Gal.6:10]


Monday, July 8, 2024

Image Reflection July 8


Some Christians believe Genesis 1 and 2 are mostly stories and symbolic teachings about Jehovah God. Well, ok, but I believe they are literal pictures about who God is as well.

So, God made man and woman in His image. So, what is that? What is His purpose? Does He need to populate heaven?

He made the earth from the void, animals and people to inhabit the earth. Adam and Eve were to tend the Garden of Eden. They messed up. We are to take care of the earth also. We are messing up.

Being made in His image means we have the potential and opportunity to take care of creation much better than we are doing. The mess up is forgiven by a Gracious God through His Son Jesus. But, we just need to do a better job as stewards of Jehovah.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

True Shared Experience July 7

When the love of God embraces us and enhances our love ability, we can obtain that energy to share with another human being. We can actually target that love quality towards another, with the continued result of never feeling alone. Sharing life with the right person makes life a delight. Sharing life with the wrong person can make a death.

Sharing life with the right person can truly offer opportunity for enhanced independence, the right two really is better than one. How is it better?

You can absorb any hurt or help that results in making the world a better place. Christians are image bearers. We are supposed to make things better.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Independence with God July5


When we give our individual selves to God or even to another person, we can find and have the opportunity for the life to absorb the hurts and helps that come our way.

We do not have to give up our independence that is linked with our personality as to who we are. We can enter a shared independence that maintains our unique individuality. Motivation does change. God joins our individual self, that part actually made originally in His image, Genesis 1. He gives us the power to absorb hurt and enjoy help at the same time.

We just have to learn by being better earth repairers and living His representative as image bearers that show God is still in control. The special relationships we choose and even those we don’t need to see us living the image God provides---one of Grace, forgiveness, and long suffering. Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is seekness, searching how to forgive and how to accept grace of God and others.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Independence Day July4


Yes, our forefathers wanted independence from what they considered an unfair sovereignty that, among other complaints like over-taxation, took away freedom. The sovereign power thought that if the Continent really loved them, they would gladly stay under the sovereign’s wing. So, love and independence got interpreted as “giving up stuff” and gaining stuff. Maybe this is one foundation of the idea that if you are going to love someone, you have to give up your independence.

I am suggesting that a two-way street of loving may not be a “giving up” but a redefining for a shared independence. When two individuals get together in a definition of love, maybe they can find the better way of joining personalities in a definition of shared independence and both benefit from any hurt or help discovered.  How?? And what happens when we give ourselves to God?

[More to follow]

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Shared Independence July2


Of course, this is the time of year we talk independence, but let’s look at the word in a personal setting and not just political.

Psychologists and philosophers will tell you that dealing with the issue of independence points to the love/idea that to enter any love relationship means you have to give up your independence in order to share life with someone, that you have to give up certain personal ideas of money, time scheduling, and even sometimes personal hobbies. The “giving up” idea causes such friction today. Maybe there’s another way.

What is shared independence?

Follow to find out more.