Monday, July 8, 2024

Image Reflection July 8


Some Christians believe Genesis 1 and 2 are mostly stories and symbolic teachings about Jehovah God. Well, ok, but I believe they are literal pictures about who God is as well.

So, God made man and woman in His image. So, what is that? What is His purpose? Does He need to populate heaven?

He made the earth from the void, animals and people to inhabit the earth. Adam and Eve were to tend the Garden of Eden. They messed up. We are to take care of the earth also. We are messing up.

Being made in His image means we have the potential and opportunity to take care of creation much better than we are doing. The mess up is forgiven by a Gracious God through His Son Jesus. But, we just need to do a better job as stewards of Jehovah.

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