Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Who was Jesus really? July 10


Well yes, he is the son of God, part of the Trinity, Creator, Savior, but is he more? You think: “Well, Isn’t that enough?”  Maybe.

But what about the actual, physical, historical Jesus. Some just leave him as part history, a Civil War leader, like Robert E. Lee. And he was and is remembered like that but there is more.

Jehovah God, becoming man Jesus, placed physically on the earth he created, started a new way of thinking, indeed, a new transformation of linear time, of history itself.

All people, events, stories, things physical live awhile then die.

Jesus came to show who is really in charge. He was born, lived, dies, but rose from death to transform living history.

What does this mean for us?

[more next]

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