Thursday, September 19, 2024

Secret Revealed for Service Sept.19

Christians wonder, “What am I supposed to do during the week? Who am I supposed to be? How do I fit in this crazy, busy culture?”

 No help seems to come with the wording in the King James Bible[ “…present your bodies as a living sacrifice…”]. What IS the scripture trying to tell us?

Apostle Paul is saying in Romans 12: 1-2 that the best behavior we can do anytime involves our actually, throughout the day, with all the mundane or exciting things we do, eating, praying, working, playing, sleeping  we should place them before God first as an actual offering.

In other words, every time we can think about anything that leads to behavior, maintain the attitude and say, “Unto the Lord!”



Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Spending Time? Sept.17


Time may be the only thing we really own. Make it worthwhile.

Every mundane task you do, washing things, painting things, working things, just say “unto the Lord” as you do them. [ Cor. 10:31] Then you can consider they are becoming some kind of beauty for God. Creating or recreating beauty for God in something can be a prayer given, a blessing displayed.

Why? because God can make the connections for others that we do not see to grow his kingdom. The connection, the beauty may even happen AFTER you are gone.

There have been famous thoughts and writings come from a person who was cleaning a toilet.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Has God Forgotten? Sept.16


Sometimes we have to remember that the God, Christ, and Holy Spirit of the New Testament are the same in the Old Testament.

We need reminding, that this same Jehovah, who made everything from Genesis on, is the same today. He still guards us from evil which means evil can never separate us from him. [Ps. 121]

Never think that God is TOO busy elsewhere and has decided you are not important enough, so He goes off somewhere else to operate and forgets you. He still has and will complete his purposes for you.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

An Amazing Fact Sept.14

There is evidence that as believers, we share in the Trinity. 

Jesus said….”I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me…. that they may all be one just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us…. “ [ John 17: 20]

Friday, September 13, 2024

Is God Reluctant? Sept. 13

We use the word “reluctant” to apply to God about our prayers, that God seems reluctant to answer. Other scholars suggest God is just reluctant to intervene in history.

The word reluctant [ according to the Thesaurus Dictionary] means afraid, cautious, hesitant, slow, tardy, uncertain and other such words.

I’m not sure an All-knowing, ever-present Jehovah is ever reluctant. He may have US wait because He has connections being made beyond our thinking, but He is never tardy/afraid/hesitant or slow.

We, of course, are all those things.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Sure-fire Prayer Method Sept. 12


Since it appears that true Christians actually do pray in many different ways, there is a simple secret to  prayer-success.

As your specific day progresses, for your individual food, work, or play…... PRAY about everything, no exceptions, bad, mundane or good, everything. Often, we don’t think God wants to be reminded about the bad stuff we do. But He does! Talking to God all the time places our consciousness more in the spiritual realm, and energy from there, lifts up our physical involvements.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Some Confusion Sept 9


There seems to be confusion about the scripture John 15: 7, “If you abide in me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” [NKJV].

Christians think, “Well  I think I’m living the Christ life, why am I not seeing all my prayers answered? The Gospel of John says they will!”

First, “If you abide” really means live continually, like Jesus mentions earlier in that scripture, He is the Vine, and we are the branches.

Branches STAY ATTACHED to the vine [ the trunk] in order to live and branches need time and the right nourishment to thrive. The Vine gives the life, coming from the root [heavenly Father].

Second, “My words abide in you” also means the continual streaming and embracing of God’s word in daily life.

So being God’s word, living God’s word, nourished by God’s word…then Jesus can act decisively.

Friday, September 6, 2024

More on Prayer Sept.6

Unfortunately, too many Christians think that the ritual saying of a prayer either works some kind of magic for only a few OR the people remain expedient and say something like “ I don’t know if God will answer, but He’s big enough to take care of it.” Then they stop praying.

All the while, Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”

Why did the Son of God pray continually, sometimes days and days? Although a physical being, He stayed in contact with His Father in a spiritual dimension, held in place by the Holy Spirit. He remained in conversation with the Father. He has given us that ability to enter a spiritual realm that has all the healing power of heaven.

Move your consciousness beyond the present and Ask {have an unrushed, quite conversation with Christ} and you WILL receive.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Prayer Explained Sept. 5


Of course there are many definitions of prayer, but what actually happens with the human mind.

Raising your conscious attention above and even beyond the limitation of some physical situation, placing that attention upon Christ’s partnership, establishes a prayer connection. When we truly connect to God, The Holy Spirit can unleash and set in motion the divine will that is always best for us. We may not always understand the outcome, yet, sometimes we do, but the connection helps mold our Christian Walk for now.

I pray with the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1: 16…”that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened….”

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

God Freedom Sept. 4

Scripture shows examples and gives evidence of a person’s freedom being robbed, like a mysterious demon possessed person.

And yet, God’s Holy Spirit is somehow large enough and small enough to enter a human being and respect that person’s decisions to make personal choices. This can happen because Jesus embodied the full human and the full God in a surprising harmony that we can now trust by faith.

The perfect Son of God is now in full charge. [Mt.28:18]--- NOT any of the evil forces.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Who Keeps Score? September 2

Does God somehow keep score, like at a football game? This would be when someone wins, and someone loses.

When you slow down and think about Psalm 130, especially verse 3, if God was in the score-keeping business, NO ONE would win. Besides, God does not think of believers as winning or losing.

Yes, we fail, but in Christ, we all win.