Friday, September 6, 2024

More on Prayer Sept.6

Unfortunately, too many Christians think that the ritual saying of a prayer either works some kind of magic for only a few OR the people remain expedient and say something like “ I don’t know if God will answer, but He’s big enough to take care of it.” Then they stop praying.

All the while, Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”

Why did the Son of God pray continually, sometimes days and days? Although a physical being, He stayed in contact with His Father in a spiritual dimension, held in place by the Holy Spirit. He remained in conversation with the Father. He has given us that ability to enter a spiritual realm that has all the healing power of heaven.

Move your consciousness beyond the present and Ask {have an unrushed, quite conversation with Christ} and you WILL receive.

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