Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Spiritual Gift Search Ideas Jan.20

Spiritual Gift Search Ideas
1).    Place yourself in a condition to seek gift clarification.
1.)         Spiritual gifts are not some kind of special magic, coupled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can simply empower individuals who are more aware and cooperating with gift.
2.)         Pay attention to Christian friends who say, “You seem to have the gift of---------.”
3.)         Notice especially what you constantly talk about, like the poor, money, mercy, Bible, so on.
4.)         Pay attention and ask trusted church leaders what they see as your gift.
5.)         There is a difference between Biblical, spiritual gifts and natural talents, although both can coexist. To be able to sing is a talent and not necessarily a spiritual gift, although it can be used to enhance spiritual conditions. Singing may be connected to the basic ministry/service gift.
6.)         The seven gifts above are simply a list of foundational spiritual gifts. Out of these can come many applications. For instance, a teacher may teach and not have a classroom. A giver can give other things besides money. A minister might not pastor a church but be an excellent hospital visitor. There are other Biblical lists, like 1 Cor.12:1-12 which are not covered in this section of work.

7.)         Words are sometimes unclear, like is the mercy in Ro.12 the same mercy In Mt.5? The Greek words are very close if not the same. My distinction is the mercy as spiritual gift [Ro.12] you receive at salvation when the Holy Spirit enters. It is foundational and basic to your nature for life. The mercy in Mt.5 becomes a learning quality for all Christians to grow. We move in and out of it with different experiences, along with the other growth characteristics. The person with Romans kind of Mercy gift will have it filtering through everything done. And yet Apostle Paul reminds us 1 Cor.12:4 “…..there are different spiritual gifts…..” [God’s Word Translation].

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