Saturday, June 13, 2020

A Perspective Change Honesty June 13

With my new direction of education, a new thought hit me. What important issues define our behavior? Many behavioral approaches try to convince you that your circumstances are in total control. So, you must always change your circumstances.  However, some say the circumstances are not the total problem, but rather how we perceive situations.
I found through God’s unchanging perspective of humanity, we could change our perspective and see things clearly and honesty helps us do that. God is always producing what the world can be and what we can become. He opened a new window to my soul, and I saw with new eyes. This “seeing” was something I had searched for without knowing what it was. I had simply interpreted it as wanting to help people with a Biblical kind of God comfort.      [2 Cor.1:4].
        A large part of my perspective change was the idea of how a person tells the truth. Telling the truth doesn’t mean you must tell everything all the time, always. You do have to develop a willingness to be truthful about everything, but you don’t have to blurt it out continually. I am willing to tell a significant person all--- at times. That person must value what I value and share a mutual acceptance attitude. The possibility exists we can enter confession or unload burdens like the scripture suggests. [Gal. 6:2].
        How I saw myself and how others saw me changed so that I no longer needed to let non-chosen occurrences define me, but I was to learn how to define my situations with God’s enlightened path. For instance, I had to understand how God views our time here on earth. I think He sees all that is happening as part of His plan to remake His creation into what it is supposed to be. He waits for us to enter that “becoming” stage when we can change to the better. After all, in a sense, He became a part of His own creation in Jesus. We may never understand this. Thank goodness for faith He gives.
From my new viewpoint, my pursuit needed to find the genuine self within, removing as much sham, pretense, and external trappings. I needed to see more of what God was doing. I wanted to find the best potential in myself and other people. And I must say, this process takes as long as it takes. Sometimes, the timeline lasts just as long as we do. But that’s ok because we want to finish our personal story. We want to have a beginning, middle, and end that possibly imprints society as to the fact it matters, we were here. And even those that experience short timelines, and do not get to finish their personal timeline, have the assurance of God’s Grace. He treats however long a life lasts, as if it were complete in Christ. [more to follow]

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