Monday, June 22, 2020

A Release June 22

You will discover in Christ that we are more than just our self-interests. See 2 Peter1:4 “. . . through these promises, you will share in the divine nature . . .” This privileged encounter and shared friendship/partnership with Jesus will start a release motivation.
        Remember from your early up-bringing, your self-talk often pushed your thoughts by saying you needed to go out into the world and show everyone you were worth something. The inner voice demanded you become successful, achieve things in the world values, become known as a doer of magnificence. The inner conversation kept repeating you would not be loved if not recognized for your good works. Within this pull was the idea that true love can only be earned; it was never free.
        Inch by inch, the misdirected truth-voice tries to chip away at the real voice that affirms I am loved by God, undeniably and free of merit. Even today, if you let the voice, you will hear it coming from friends, family, or church. The thoughts come: Why am I not given any attention? Why am I not as good as so in so? Why would they hurt me? If you are not careful, you will start to daydream riches and fame. All the tempting thoughts remind you of the moments you have allowed your faith only to weaken. Yet, in your better moments, you know God has truly made you one of His heirs.
        You may wonder if you will ever be free of the misconceptions? You may have to battle misdirection all your life, but so far, you can say with Jesus, “man does not live by bread alone.”
You may wonder if you were released when the salvation experience occurred?  Yes, you were given the power to be released from loneliness, from the feeling of belonging nowhere, from sins you could not solve yourself. Salvation remains a wonderful, supernatural experience. But at the time of any lack of clarification and personal church experience, conversion may have seemed too other worldly, like a whole different dimension, unreachable by any physical effort. The spiritual and physical appeared too divided. Perhaps once, you could not harmonize the two or feel good about the separation of physical and spiritual.
        But when you realize Jesus as friend, a release happens that settles the tension between physical and spiritual. A genuine friend doesn’t play “Gotcha”, point out every mistake you make. I true friend helps create new options or directions of travel. Jesus becomes what I call a synergistic bridge, a meshing to understand the spiritual and physical can cooperate and become more than the sum of each individual parts. It happens when we understand the sharing of the divine nature of Jesus. Your spiritual and physical [S & P] does not have to war all the time because Jesus becomes an ally, a genuine reality that is permanent. He is no longer some unreachable idea of goodness. In the form of the Holy Spirit, He walks, talks, guides daily when you take in his words and pay attention. The Matthew 5 guidelines become the correct road to travel in any generation.
        The whole process of release is not some vague, mysterious ritual that only a few can possess. Any Christ committed person can yield by offering the inner self, allowing one’s personal self-will to grow toward God’s kingdom ideas, and truly trust Jesus everyday as a partner, permanent reality, no trickster, and friend. You don’t have to beg, barter, or promise. Trust becomes a two-way street. You are free from game playing. Remember, you can’t out-think the Holy Spirit anyway. [more]

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