Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Release Factor June 23

When we accept Christ as the center of our lives the release motivation becomes real. Any Christ committed person yields the inner self, allows personal self-will to grow toward God’s kingdom ideas. What happens next since Jesus is no trickster? We enter a journey of finding out who and what we really are and what action to do about it. The friendship release removes the need for sham, pretense or faking as tools for survival. With a sigh of acceptance, the release action can replace lies, false impressions, and wasted false energy that try to impress or build status.
        This time of freedom allows you to walk in a new kind of love and love a new walk. You may become authentic self and like it, instead of always trying to surprise or please someone or reinvent the self, every day.
An amazing result happens that you often become more naturally and supernaturally attractive to others who want reality in life as well. People will be drawn to you like a magnet because they may see this release, this honesty in you. Remember, this was exactly what happened with the disciples of the New Testament. They spent time with Jesus, absorbed his characteristics and became winsome and attractive in a new way. Christ was not only mentor but partner in every situation.
        Of course, the Cross experience of Jesus is never undervalued, but that remains half the story. His resurrection completed the story and created a whole new opportunity for all humanity. The Cross experience was God the Father’s allowing man to break the back of His Son. The resurrection triumph was God saying He would now break our hearts. A new and magnificent process began. We can journey with the Holy Spirit in this earthly dimension, become authentic human beings after the image of Christ and live at peace with ourselves and others.
        None of the personal adventure happens all at once. We stay in this earthly realm however long we are supposed to stay. I think since we are made in God’s image, we have a built-in pattern to keep creative growth alive. I personally do not think we quit learning when we die. A kind of growth and maturity must exist since we will spend a long time in eternity.
        So, Jesus becomes our permanent savior, brother, teacher, friend, and ally. We find the growth quality to be a release to be authentic, a guide for honesty that helps complete the journey. [more]

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